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Your Complete Guide to Spring Lawn and Landscape Care

Posted May 26th, 2020 in Lawn Care

Your Complete Guide to Spring Lawn and Landscape Care

The weather is warming up, birds are singing and the sun is in the sky. It could only mean one thing: after a long and brutal winter, Spring is finally here. And with the season comes new kinds of Spring lawn and landscape responsibilities that you should know about.

If you don't care for your lawn the right way during the Spring, it can affect you for the rest of the year. Your plants may not come in at the round time for summer, or they may wither away if another frost comes in. Failing to fertilize your lawn can hinder grass growth, among other harmful effects.

Proper Spring lawn and landscape care start with staying informed about the weather and researching how to care for a lawn. Then, it's up to you to put what you learn into practice and start growing a beautiful lawn.

And to take the first step towards a lawn that everyone will be jealous of, just keep reading below!

Spring Lawn and Landscape Care Will Affect You Year-round

It's important to realize that what you do right now will affect your lawn for the rest of the year. Whether you'll have gorgeous and sustainable plants a thriving, green lawn during the Summer and Fall depends on what you do now.

Make sure to select plants that can endure extreme weather and are easy to care for. The weather is getting harder to predict, and avid gardeners are having a harder time achieving the lawns that they want. Always assume that the worst will happen to your lawn and care for it accordingly.

Fertilizer is the First Step Towards a Great Lawn

Springtime is the perfect time to put down fertilizer to help your grass grow and your flowers bloom. By laying down fertilizer, you're guaranteeing that your lawn will have access to the nutrients it needs to thrive. It compensates for soil that may not otherwise give your lawn what it needs.

Identify spots that may need more fertilizer than others, and lay it down accordingly. Just make sure not to overdo it and end up with overgrown spots across your front lawn!

Don't Get Lazy; Remove Winter Debris

The colder seasons usually cause debris to collect in your lawn, since people usually don't pick it up during the Fall and Winter. There simply is no reason to; nobody's lawn looks good during those seasons since nothing grows during them.

Spring is different, though and if you put work into it, your lawn will look great. You just need to clear the Winter off of it, and that starts by clearing away any debris it may have brought. Clean up any brush and dead leaves that may have been left after the Winter, then get busy planting and putting down fertilizer.

It's Easy to Have a Perfect Lawn Season-Round

Gardening is hard and intensive work that few people are actually cut out for. It's a labour of love to put so much effort into Spring lawn and landscape care, and it pays off. There are few things better than seeing those first few plants blossom and to see waves of green shimmer across the front of your house.

You can get the rewards without the work by calling a professional. That way, you'll know that you're guaranteed to get a beautiful lawn. And if you want to get a head-start on spring lawn care, just reach out to us here!

Don't hesitate to ask us a question.

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question, would like to discuss your potential project, or desire an estimate. Start now to plan for the 2024 Spring Season!


  • Landscape Ontario
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