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Identifying Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Keep Your Yard Safe

Posted Apr 21st, 2022 in Lawn Care

Identifying Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Keep Your Yard Safe
  • As many as 35% of Canadian households own a dog, and the average annual cost of owning a dog is a surprising 3,500 CAD!

    But we love our dogs, don't we? They are our friends, and for some of us, they are like our children. And like our children, we want them to be happy, healthy, and safe.

    Dogs love to get into things, and dangers lurk in just about every house and garden. Many homes have poisonous plants for dogs, plants that could injure or even kill a beloved pet. This article will help you identify these deadly plants.

    Many Flowers Are Poisonous Plants for Dogs

    Many of the blooming plants we keep in our homes and gardens are poisonous plants and are strict no-nos for dogs.

    If you have any of these types of flowers, consider planting or moving them out of reach of fido, or fence them off to keep his or her curious nose at a safe distance.

  • Amaryllis
  • Azaleas
  • Bird of paradise
  • Daffodils
  • Daisies
  • Hyacinths
  • Hydrangeas
  • Irises
  • Many types of lilies
  • Morning glory
  • Rhododendron
  • Tulips
  • Some orchids
  • Foxglove
  • Clematis
  • Holly
  • Geraniums
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Begonias
    Puppies are more apt to consume a dangerous plant than adult dogs. It's best to cordon off the young ones if you aren't certain the plants in your yard or garden are safe.

    Fruit and Vegetable Plants to Avoid with Dogs

    We think of vegetables and fruits as safe edibles, and they generally are for us humans, but not all of them are safe for dogs.

    Many of the following contain substances that are toxic for your dog.

  • Grapes and raisins: Can cause kidney damage or failure in dogs
  • Tomatoes: Contain tomatine and solanine which are toxic for dogs
  • Potatoes: Contain solanine, a toxin for dogs
  • Rhubarb: Contains oxalic acid, another toxin for dogs
  • Mint: Contains essential oils that are dangerous for your dog
  • Allium vegetables: Onions, garlic, leeks, and chives are not safe for dogs
  • Mushrooms: Be sure to rid your garden of the wild variety
  • Avocados: Contain persin, which is a toxin for dogs
  • Broccoli: Great for humans, but not for dogs
  • It can seem overwhelming when considering all the various plants that could harm or even kill your dog. If you aren't sure what to do, it's best to seek the advice of a professional landscape designer, as they will know which plants are safe and which are not.

    Other Plants to Avoid

    Generally speaking, you should avoid allowing your dog to ingest any variety of nuts. They do not sit well with a dog's intestinal system.

    Many trees and bushes are poisonous plants for dogs:

  • Oleander: A very common leafy green bush
  • Jade: A succulent
  • Eucalyptus
  • Sago palm: All parts of this plant are toxic to dogs
  • Horse chestnut: It contains saponin, a toxin for dogs
  • Chinaberry: Contains substances that are toxic to dogs
  • Japanese yew: One of the more deadly plants for dogs
Your Garden Can Be Hazardous to Your Dog
That which is pretty or tasty to humans may also attract your dog. Dog biology is quite different from humans, and it is dangerous for them to consume many of the plants in our homes and gardens.

Whether you have an existing garden or are about to build one, if you own a dog, you must be mindful of poisonous plants for dogs. For the utmost safety and protection, call our professionals at Scott's Landscaping and let them help you make your yard or garden pet friendly.

Don't hesitate to ask us a question.

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question, would like to discuss your potential project, or desire an estimate. Start now to plan for the 2025 Spring Season!


  • Landscape Ontario
  • Unilock
  • Permacon
  • Canadian Nursery Landscape association
  • Techo-Bloc